Best skin care products Online: Where to Start and Buy
Being aware of how your body functions and listening to what it says is the first and foremost step towards a healthy lifestyle. Our skin is the largest organ of the body, but most of us are unaware of the signs that it keeps showing us until a serious problem or aging occurs. However, if you have suddenly decided to look after your skin and get the best skin care products, but are clueless about where to begin, you have landed at the right spot! Here’s a crash course on how to start taking care of your skin with the best beauty and skin care products online.
Before Buying Beauty and Skincare Products Online: Know Your Skin Type
It might feel like the obvious first step but TRUST US when we say that the majority of people out there have no idea about their skin type. Soap, water, or nothing are all they have survived on so far. So how can you know what skin type do you have? Here’s a quick litmus test that will allow you to determine it.
- Dry: If you have dry skin it should feel parched and stretchy with occasional peeling. Even in summers where everyone complains of the oil and sweat if your skin still acts like dehydrated jerky than you fall in this category.
- Oily: Place a tissue on your face at the end of a long day. Does it come up dredged in oil? Then you my friend have been blessed with the commodity countries have declared war over. OIL! Yes, you have the skin that overperforms and getting rid of the excess is the best bet you have for clear smooth skin.
- Combination: We have gone over oil and dry skin types, but do you know that skin can have both the properties? If at the end of the day your nose feels like it was the part of a major oil spill and your cheeks are like the overcooked chicken Gordon Ramsay spit out than yes! Hallelujah! You are the proud wearer of the combination skin type.
- Sensitive: If you have sensitive skin you most likely already know because it is the most reactive and the most difficult to manage. In order to establish a routine for sensitive skin, the best course of action is visiting a skin specialist or being just aware of the ingredients in your skin care that irritate your skin. (For example, noticing that using products with a lot of perfumes and scents irritates the skin).
The Routine
This article is an attempt to establish a basic skin care routine that is a necessity for all skin types. Products specific to each skin type will be discussed later on.
Just like any dormant surface in the environment, your skin collects up dust, particles, moisture, and grime from the environment while producing its own sebum. The sebum is supposed to maintain the elasticity of your skin and keep it hydrated, however, when mixed with dirt it becomes a layer of goop that sits on your face. Washing your face just with water and soap just will not cut through this layer of goop. Especially when considering the amount of environmental pollution we encounter every day. Rinse your face with water and wash away the build-up with a gentle cleanser, especially if you wear makeup on the regular because there is another layer of chemicals that need to be washed away.

Exfoliation is the process of rubbing off the layer of dry or dead skin to speed up the process of renewal and regeneration. Our skin cells are constantly regenerating. If the top layer of dry and dead skin is not removed it can become a home to excessive grime, sebum and clog up your pores causing inflammation, breakouts, and acne. There are a variety of scrubs available out there, from micro-granules to chemical exfoliants, you can get anything and everything. However, the type of exfoliant depends on your skin type and should be thoroughly researched or consulted with a skin specialist.
DISCLAIMER: Exfoliation should not be done every day, as excessive exfoliation will cause your skin to lose its moisture and breakout. Once or twice a week is the average optimal frequency for exfoliation.
After you are done rubbing the grime and the dead skin of your face it is time to return that moisture to maintain that soft smoothness we all adore. Moisturizing your skin after the above- mentioned steps will keep it hydrated and avoid the production of excess sebum as the skin will not have to compensate for all the lost moisture. Just like exfoliants, the modes of moisturization also depends upon your skin type. For oily and combinations skins, hydrating toners or gel moisturizers will get the job done without creating a sticky or suffocated feeling while dry skin types may have to use products that are thicker and oil based. Wearing a good cream or serum like dEpPatch’s White Out Lightning Cream to bed will allow your skin to heal and rejuvenate from all that it has to go through during the day.
Self-care is not just a buzz word coined by millennials to excuse their behavior on social media. It is something that everyone needs to learn, adapt and practice because a better you means a happier you, and a happier you can have a ripple effect that affects others to be happier. So, start with your skin! After all, it’s “The largest organ”.cShop skin care products online from dEpPatch.